
Microsupport newsletter Vol.8

Microtweezer Tool Set : Useful sampling accessory for various situation

The accessory with micromanipulator can handle difficult sample such as gripping and collecting 20μm foreign substance from an inside an adhesive material, gripping 20μm diameter wire and position it on the precise location and the others that human hand cannot do.

Tweezers of the Mechanical Microtweezer Tool Set can be opened and closed by mechanical handle, on the other hand, Electronic Microtweezer Tool Set can control the same motion by the software of our manipulator system.
Both microtweezer sets can select a suitable size of the tweezers among 15μm, 25μm and 50μm.

Mechanical Microtweezer Tool Set

Electronic Microtweezer Tool Set

Please watch the following movie to see how the accessory works. ※You will be directed to YouTube.